DW Unanswered Questions

  • Why put River in the spacesuit? Why did they need her? As far as I can tell they only needed her neuromuscular system to move. The steering and weapons systems were all automatic. Why not just build a drone and completely automate it? Or they could just kidnap a random person and use them.
  • How did Melody end up in Leadworth in the 1990s and who were her parents? Somehow, Melody/River went from being in 1960s New York as an infant to being in 1990s Leadworth growing up alongside Amy and Rory. Who brought her there and who were her foster parents? Possible answer: Amy & Rory
  • Why was there a time ship in The Lodger? Who did it belong to? It looked like the one the Silence were using in The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. The Silence probably stole that one, though. Did the one in The Lodger belong to the Silence, or the people they stole it from? Also, was the interference with the TARDIS intentional or accidental? Could this be what blew up the TARDIS?
  • Where did the images of Amy and baby Melody come from? So in Day of the Moon, Amy is exploring the orphanage and happens across pictures of herself and baby Melody. We know Amy never had time to be all happy with Melody after she was born, so where did the pictures come from? Maybe they aren't Melody at all but are some other baby that Amy had/will have.
  • How was the Doctor's mother getting in and out of the time lock at will? Seriously, neither the Time Lords or the Daleks could get out of there, and this woman just leaves and comes back like it's no big deal. I can only think of two things in the entire Whoniverse with the sheer power to do that: the Guardians. I think the White Guardian was involved in The End of Time.
  • Who was the mysterious figure in the church Wilf visited? In the opening scenes of The End of Time, when Wilf was in the church/cathedral, there was a mysterious dark figure in one of the pews. They just sat there, watching Wilf and the Doctor's mom converse. I have no idea who this was. Could be all sorts of people: the Black Guardian or one of his agents, the Valeyard, someone working for the Silence, a future Doctor (future from then, that is), another Time Lord, or perhaps someone we've never even heard of.
  • Did the events of The Name of the Doctor actually happen? Now that the Doctor's grave is no longer at Trenzalore, that means Clara could no longer have jumped into his timestream and been scattered across it. Which means, of course, that the Doctor never met her at the Asylum or Victorian times. That means that he never would have went looking for her in the present day and they never could have met. If they never met, that raises the question of how she could have saved his life at Trenzalore.
  • How did the Doctor and Clara escape from the Doctor's timeline? At the end of series 7, the Doctor and Clara both jumped into his timeline. They met the War Doctor, but were never shown to leave. The end of the episode shows them still there, then in the next episode it's weeks or months later. Did they actually escape? Are they still in there? If they did escape, how?
  • Who is Tom Baker's new Doctor? At the end of the 50th anniversary, we saw a new Doctor played by Tom Baker. Where does he fit into the Doctor's timeline? Obviously, he's somewhere in the future. Is he the final regeneration, under retirement? Is he in hiding, disguising himself as one of his other regenerations?

1 comment:

  1. -I never understood the significance of the spacesuit, but maybe it was just to catch the Doctors attention. It wouldn't be hard to run from someone trying to kill him, especially in the TARDIS, but he could not resist helping a child in a curious situation. Then, with the idea of the spacesuit being a weird moment, when they encountered it again it would cause the Doctor to want to check it out. It was always his curiosity of unusual that got the better of him.

    -I always assumed Melody ended up in Leadworth because that woman with the eye patch put her there. Her childhood was moulded by that group so she could be obsessed with the Doctor while she had already been brainwashed to kill him. They knew Amy and Rory will eventually meet the Doctor and the Doctor was all Amy spoke of as a child, so what was a better way for Melody to grow up obsessed with him than by Amy being obsessed with him. That woman already knew River was entwined with the Doctors timeline so she just put her in the right place and waited. It’s a time travel show; every moment does not need to be linier.

    -I thought the ship in The Lodger just belonged to the alien concealed in the "second story" of the house. The Time Lords where not the only ones who could dabble with time, even humans eventually figured it out a little bit, with the time vortex manipulators and whatnot.

    -Two possible reasons the Doctor had never heard of the Silence: 1, you forget them the minute you see them, he was no exception. They could have been like a legend or something, but no one would really know because that's the trick about them, they conquer in silence. 2, just because he's old that doesn't mean he knows everything. In Waters on Mars he didn't know what those creatures were. He's constantly running into creatures he's never seen or heard of, that's part of why he travels, to explore. He's always excited when he runs into something he doesn't know, as long as it's not trying to kill him.

    -In The End of Time I'm pretty sure that's just a random church goer in the background. There were people in there other than him, the children, priests, etc. When he first walks him you can see there are just some other people around, it's a public place.


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